When you purchase chips, they almost always credit your account immediately. If you make a purchase and do not immediately see your balance increase, please first try the following steps as this will recover most missing purchases:
1. Tap on the profile photo in the upper-right corner
2. Tap on Settings
3. Tap on Recover
2. Tap on Settings
3. Tap on Recover
Also keep in mind that any purchases which show as "Pending" on your listed purchases will not have been sent to us for processing. For more information about pending purchases, please contact the app store as they can assist with this.
In some instances, the app stores can also take up to 24 hours to deliver a purchase, even after money has been deducted from your account. After 24 hours, if the chips have not been delivered, please send in a support ticket so we can investigate further.
For us to look up your purchase our support team requires the following information:
1. Your Support Code (This can be found in the settings menu in your game)
2. A screenshot of your original transaction receipt from your app store that includes the transaction number, amount paid, and time of purchase.
3. The amount of chips in the pack you purchased.