Playing Tetris using a touch screen is easy to do - but we thought we’d write everything down to save you from having to experiment around on your own.

Swiping the screen left or right will move your Tetrimino to the left or right. Tapping the screen rotates it. Tapping the right side rotates your Tetrimino clockwise. Tapping the left side rotates your Tetrimino counterclockwise.

If you’re trying to speed things up a bit, you can make your Tetriminos fall faster with Hard Drops and Soft Drops.

To Hard Drop, swipe down on the screen. This immediately locks your Tetrimino in place.

To Soft Drop, hold your finger on the screen and drag down. When you Soft Drop, you can still move your Tetrimino on contact with a surface before Lock Down occurs.

When you swipe up, you’ll put whatever Tetrimino is falling into your Hold Queue. If there’s already a Tetrimino there, it’ll pop into your Matrix.