Welcome to Club Bingo where Club Bingo Balls can be collected from playing the main Bingo game, which can be used in the club. All club members have a Club Bingo page where progress can be tracked and Club Balls can be called. When they are collected, daubing them not only adds to the bingo board but also adds to the bingo boards of all club members. If the full board is blacked out, rewards are earned.
Make sure to log in frequently! Club Bingo ball contributions from your clubmates can only blackout one board at a time; they don't apply to multiple boards. Once you've had a blackout the remaining contributions from your clubmates will no longer be available. Also, make sure to use the Club Bingo balls during the week you want them applied! Anything used to blackout your board after the week has ended will be considered towards the new week's reward tier - which resets every Tuesday! Please note that changing clubs will reset club progress.
More information can be seen by tapping "How To Play" in the Club Bingo section of the game!
What are Club Balls?
Club Balls are a type of currency that is used to randomly daub squares on the bingo boards of club members. Keep in mind that it is possible for the same club ball to be called more than once.
What is a Club Bingo Board?
Each club member will have a unique card and this is used to track the progress of Club Balls that are called by the club.
What are Helper Bonuses?
Players earn diamonds when the balls they've contributed daub a space on their clubmates board.  Earn more diamonds for providing the final ball needed to blackout a clubmates board!